As with the most medical examinations e.g., Cholesterol test, so with metabolism there are specific guidelines that you need to follow to get a proper measurement.
So on that particular day of the conduct of the measurement, make sure that:
Modern dietary practice and technology enables us to bypass estimates through general population equations and accurately measure Basic Metabolism [Basic Metabolism (BMR) is the minimum amount of energy required to maintain the organism’s essential functions for life]. The amount of BMR energy is necessary for respiratory function, cell-metabolism, blood circulation as well as the maintenance of the body’s temperature. Since BMR represents 70% of our total daily energy requirements it is crucial information for determining daily energy needs for each person aiming either in loss, stabilization or weight gain using the indirect caloric measurement method The individual is examined having met certain circumstances prior to the measurement, lies down in calmness, machine’s Canopy is put above him and through its exhalation are measured the calories that his body burns during rest.
Basic Metabolism Measurement is a painless, easy and fast indirect calorimetry test that shows you the exact number of calories your body needs daily and examines weather your metabolism is low, normal or high. It is measured in a quiet environment and lasts 10-15 minutes.
Measuring Basic Metabolism is one of the key pieces in defining personalization, in administrating the Nutrition Plan and in achieving well-defined goals, including a detailed overview of the individual’s history and body composition analysis.
As with the most medical examinations e.g., Cholesterol test, so with metabolism there are specific guidelines that you need to follow to get a proper measurement.
So on that particular day of the conduct of the measurement, make sure that:
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